Circular for End of Term II, 2024

Greetings to you our beloved parents/guardians and well-wishers. This day marks the end of the second term of the 2024 academic year. We thank God for enabling us to go through the term.

All planned academic programs and activities for the term have been achieved. All learners were assessed and have received assessment reports. S.4 and S.6 candidates have done mock exams as well, they will be marked over the holidays and reports will be ready upon their return for third term. Please endeavor to study the report and advise the child accordingly to ensure that there is continuous progress.

Please check your child’s uniform and be sure that it still fits well, or purchase new ones for those who have outgrown the ones they have. Indecent uniforms will not be allowed in school as students report back.

Registration of S.4 and S.6 candidates was successfully done for all candidates, thank you for the support rendered towards the success of this process. Please note that S.4 UCE Exams will begin on Friday, 11th October, 2024 with UNEB Briefing while S.6 UACE Briefing will be on Friday, 8th November, 2024.

We thank you for the continuous endeavor to pay school fees in time. Our school fees has remained the same, i.e. 1,980,000 shs (one million nine hundred eighty thousand shillings only). Kindly remember to pay the fees for next term as the students report back. All fees should be paid through the school fees accounts as it has always been. Thank you.

and S.6 – Friday, 13th September 2024
S.2 and S.3 – Saturday, 14th September 2024
S.1 and S.5 – Sunday, 15th September 2024

The school annual study trips for S.1 and S.5 are scheduled for third term.S.1 trips will be on 27th – 29th September and 4th – 6th October, 2024. S.5 trips will be on 11th – 13th October and 18th – 20th October, 2024. Please pay for your child to be part of a wonderfully enjoyable learning experience. The trip fee is 350,000 shillings, payable to the school fees account.

Dear parents/guardians, we are celebrating Silver Jubilee on 16th November, 2024. You are all invited to celebrate a journey full of memories and achievements, we will be glad to see you on that day. As we celebrate this milestone, we are fundraising money to build a multi-purpose hall for our students. Please feel free to send your contribution. The merchant codes are: AIRTEL MONEY 6600403, MTN MOMO 857772.

We wish you fruitful interaction with your children in these holidays.

Turyasingura Gift

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