Beginning of Term II, 2024 Circular

This day marks the beginning of the second term of the 2024 Academic Year. We greet you and welcome you back to St. Peter’s Naalya. Please take note of the following.

Please ensure that you have paid your child’s school fees for smooth running of the school. No child will be allowed in school without paying fees.

Please be informed that the children are supposed to report to school wearing acceptable school uniform. Also, ensure that your child has all school uniform items. All uniforms MUST not be tampered with.

Parents with children in candidate classes are encouraged to check and confirm the status of their children’s registration. This is especially for those who did not fully fulfill the registration requirements. Please visit the career master/mistress of your child for confirmation. Thank you.

It is our great interest that our school property and infrastructure is maintained in good shape, for the wellbeing of all stakeholders. However, some students have always portrayed a bad habit of destroying/vandalizing school property. This is very unacceptable, and as a school, we have developed a policy against this. Any student found in the act of vandalizing school property will be expelled. In cases where the students refuse to reveal the culprits, all students who use the affected classroom or dormitory will have to pay a fine which will be decided accordingly. Please talk to your child against this habit to avoid these penalties.

The school is organizing study trips for S.4 and S.6 students this term. You are requested to consent your child’s participation by signing the consent form which will be provided as they check in. The fees for the trips is 350,000 shs. The S.4 trips are slated for 7th – 9th June & 14th – 16th June, while S.6 trips will take place on 21st – 23rd June & 28th – 30th June, 2024. Please visit the officers in charge of trips to find out the details and support your child to be part of an exciting learning experience.

Our visitation and class days will be as follows.

S.1 – Tuesday, 16th July 2024
– Wednesday, 17th July 2024
S.3 – Friday, 19th July 2024
– Tuesday, 23rd July 2024
S.5 – Wednesday, 24th July 2024 
– Friday, 26th July 2024

The term will officially end on 23rd August, 2024. Any changes will be communicated ahead of time. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Turyasingura Gift

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